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Solicitor job vacancies in London

Solicitor Job vacancies in LondonWhat sort of lifestyle do Solicitors have?

It’s safe to say that if you want a career as a lawyer you have to work hard. You already know that you’ll need the top grades in the class to enter the profession and that required level of excellence persists throughout. Here are a few things that you should be aware of:

  • Long and irregular working days – in some areas of law, particularly once you have established your client base, you may not work a nine-to-five 5 day week. Solicitors frequently have to work late nights, especially before a deadline. working weekends can also be a normal work practice.
  • Predictability – in some areas of law such as criminal and family, you may receive work unexpectedly or at short notice. Plans with friends will frequently need to be rearranged or cancelled at short notice, and you may have to give up weekends and evenings in order to deal with cases.
  • Travel – you will almost certainly need to travel to some degree, whether to offices around the country or even around the world. Some barristers may need to travel to courts around the country on a regular or daily basis.
  • Money – commercial areas of law, both as a solicitor and a barrister, tend to pay the fat pay packets that many associate with lawyers. As a general rule, the larger the firm or chambers, the more you are likely to be paid. High street firms and smaller legal aid funded employers are likely to pay much less.
  • Rent – City solicitors tend to live as close as they can to work and living costs are exceptionally high in and around the City of London. Living further away from the City can mean lower rent, but also means higher commuting costs. Working outside London can mean cheaper living costs and commutes.

When applying for Solicitors job Vacancies in London you should always consider these aspect of the career.